State Asset Management Initiatives
An updated document that includes funding, regulatory, assistance, and internal activities that States are undertaking involving the promotion of asset management.
Southwest Environmental Finance Center
The EPA Asset Management page provides documents, tools and reference guides explaining the benefit of asset management and ways to implement specific asset management practices for utilities.
Asset Management Resources for States
Asset Management: A Best Practices Guide
Building an Asset Management Team
Resources for Local Decision Makers
Asset Management for Local Officials
Protecting Your Investment in Drinking Water Infrastructure...
This Integrated Asset Management Framework is a framework created by the Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SW EFC) as part of a project funded by Spring Point Partners. The framework integrates green assets into the existing gray asset management framework, and can be used for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems of any size that are interested in implementing asset management practices. This online format is designed to be interactive and easily navigated between chapters, sections and subsections.
Is there something missing from this page? Please submit your suggested content to for review by our Asset Management Committee.
Other Resources
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Get Involved!
The goal of the CSAWWA Asset Management Committee is to promote proactive and cost effective management of water utility assets.
If you're interested in asset management in the water utility industry, please join us!
The Sustainable Infrastructure Management Program Learning Environment (SIMPLE), a knowledge base on strategic asset management in web format, provides a framework for organizing and applying AM material, called Total Enterprise Asset Management Quality Framework (TEAMQF), Guidelines outlining Best Appropriate Practices to match the quality framework elements, and a basic implementation case study and training program based on the US EPA training program "Tom's Bad Day".
The SIMPLE was designed specifically for the wastewater industry, however, it is still a good resource for beginner to learn the basic of asset management framework, and the 10-step process via the following EPA asset management training materials.
AWWA Policy Statement on Asset Management
AWWA believes that understanding the assets utilities own and/or manage is of great importance. AWWA believes that utilities should adopt a proactive, sustainable, solution-oriented approach to manage assets in support of the economic, social, and environmental needs of the area served. This will help maximize the value of service delivery to customers without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations. Managing assets incorporates a full life-cycle approach, starting with effective planning and design, and continuing through optimized operation and maintenance, appropriate rehabilitation, replacement and asset disposal...
Handbook for Small Water Systems
This guide is designed for owners and operators of small community water systems (CWSs) to understand the basic concepts of asset management and provides the tools to develop an asset management plan.
Asset Management is a framework to help utilities provide the desired level of service at the lowest life cycle cost. The framework consists of 5 core concepts: Current State of Assets, Level of Service, Critical Assets, Minimum Life Cycle Cost and Long-Term Funding Plan.
Resources listed in this page will provide the available online free resources for your reference and better understanding of asset management framework.
The Southwest Environmental Finance Center has partnered with EPA to create a repository of documentation and tools related to Asset Management. It provides a collection of Asset Management Resources from a variety of sources. Whether you are new to the Asset Management process or just need a refresher on a specific topic, the resource you are looking for is probably here.
Reference Guide for Asset Management Tools
Asset management plan components and implementation tools for small and medium sized drinking water and wastewater systems